Site & Plan Requirements (click link)
(Conditional) Potential Historic Review - Existing Structures
~ If your property has a structure built before 1967, then your project review requires a "Potential Historic Review."
- This package includes: Site Plan, Building Record, and Panoramic Keyed Photo Survey.
Submittal Forms (click link)
Project Set-Up
~ Screened and accepted projects are assigned Project Numbers.
~ A Plan Check Invoice then needs to be paid. Generally we carry two checks from the responsible party written to the "City Treasurer." When the Plan Check and/or Permit Issuance invoices are issued, we fill-in the amount(s) to pay your municipal fees.
Plan Check Fees
~ At Set-Up plan review fees are accessed and invoiced. The Plan Check Fees need to be paid before plan check can start.
~ Checks should be made to "City Treasurer", a "not to exceed" amount can be entered in the memo line.
~On-Line Payment Portal (click link)
~ After the Plan Check Invoice Fees are paid the project package can be submitted to the appropriate departments or OTC (Over-The-Counter Review).
~ We perform routine status checks until the Plan Review Notes are ready for retrieval.
Plan Check - Revision Notes
~ We retrieve "red lines", and reviewer comments and deliver them to your design team.
~ After the Plan Check Revision Notes have been addressed, we take the revised plans back and submit them for a city in house review.
Review Appointments
~ When the reviewer can re-check the revisions in under an hour, then an in person review is scheduled. When meeting in person we have the opportunity to coordinate and ask questions of the design/construction team and solve problems in real time.
OTC Reviews
~ Over The Counter Review, when we can meet with the counter duty staff to get the revisions reviewed.
Stamp Transfers
~ We go to each of the departments and collect and consolidate all the approval stamps on the two final sets.
Impact Fees Check made to "City Treasurer".
Permits Issuance
~ We submit finalized plans with approval stamps and complete Applications Forms for "perforation."
~ The municipality keeps a record set. A set goes to the County Assessor for taxes. A Job Site Set should be kept with the Permit Cards at all times.
~ Finally we pay the permitting fees. Generally we carry a check from the responsible party written to the "City Treasurer." We call you with the amount, then fill-in the amount, and pay the fees.
~ The permits and job site set can be delivered to your office, or the construction site. (optional)
Inspections How To (click link)
(Conditional) Potential Historic Review - Existing Structures
~ If your property has a structure built before 1967, then your project review requires a "Potential Historic Review."
- This package includes: Site Plan, Building Record, and Panoramic Keyed Photo Survey.
Submittal Forms (click link)
Project Set-Up
~ Screened and accepted projects are assigned Project Numbers.
~ A Plan Check Invoice then needs to be paid. Generally we carry two checks from the responsible party written to the "City Treasurer." When the Plan Check and/or Permit Issuance invoices are issued, we fill-in the amount(s) to pay your municipal fees.
Plan Check Fees
~ At Set-Up plan review fees are accessed and invoiced. The Plan Check Fees need to be paid before plan check can start.
~ Checks should be made to "City Treasurer", a "not to exceed" amount can be entered in the memo line.
~On-Line Payment Portal (click link)
~ After the Plan Check Invoice Fees are paid the project package can be submitted to the appropriate departments or OTC (Over-The-Counter Review).
~ We perform routine status checks until the Plan Review Notes are ready for retrieval.
Plan Check - Revision Notes
~ We retrieve "red lines", and reviewer comments and deliver them to your design team.
~ After the Plan Check Revision Notes have been addressed, we take the revised plans back and submit them for a city in house review.
Review Appointments
~ When the reviewer can re-check the revisions in under an hour, then an in person review is scheduled. When meeting in person we have the opportunity to coordinate and ask questions of the design/construction team and solve problems in real time.
OTC Reviews
~ Over The Counter Review, when we can meet with the counter duty staff to get the revisions reviewed.
Stamp Transfers
~ We go to each of the departments and collect and consolidate all the approval stamps on the two final sets.
Impact Fees Check made to "City Treasurer".
Permits Issuance
~ We submit finalized plans with approval stamps and complete Applications Forms for "perforation."
~ The municipality keeps a record set. A set goes to the County Assessor for taxes. A Job Site Set should be kept with the Permit Cards at all times.
~ Finally we pay the permitting fees. Generally we carry a check from the responsible party written to the "City Treasurer." We call you with the amount, then fill-in the amount, and pay the fees.
~ The permits and job site set can be delivered to your office, or the construction site. (optional)
Inspections How To (click link)
Note (commercial): Show hand-cap parking, and accessible pathways.
Note (commercial): Show serer lateral back flow preventor.
Note (commercial): Show serer lateral back flow preventor.
Title Sheet: Provide, in a table format, the following information on the first sheet of the plans:
Scope of Work: Include a bullet point narrative that details the complete scope of work for which the Building, Plumbing, Mechanical and/or Electrical Permits are being requested. Clearly identify partial permits, such as foundation, sub - structure, and shell buddings.
Sheet Index: List all sheets included in the plan package.
Project Team: List name and phone number of a design professionals including engineers, architects, designers.
Uses: Existing and proposed.
Zoning: designation and/or overlay zone designations (Coastal, Coastal Height Limit, Airport Influence Area etc.).
Related Approvals: List all related approvals required under separate permits (e.g., approved development permits, Grading Permits, Right-of-Way Permits, Plumbing Permit for private utilities, Request for Alternate, Agreements, etc.)
Type of Construction: of existing and proposed structures per the California Building Code.
Occupancy Classification(s): existing and proposed, per the California Budding Code.
Number of stories: (existing and proposed).
Building Code year: used For the design of the project.
Floor Area: Gross floor area and floor area ratio (if applicable), total new floor area added, total existing floor area to remain per story.
Landscape area square footage for water conservation purposes:
Total area of disturbance:
Existing impervious area (S.F.):
Proposed impervious area (S.F.):
Storm Water Quality (BMP) Notes
Scope of Work: Include a bullet point narrative that details the complete scope of work for which the Building, Plumbing, Mechanical and/or Electrical Permits are being requested. Clearly identify partial permits, such as foundation, sub - structure, and shell buddings.
Sheet Index: List all sheets included in the plan package.
Project Team: List name and phone number of a design professionals including engineers, architects, designers.
Uses: Existing and proposed.
Zoning: designation and/or overlay zone designations (Coastal, Coastal Height Limit, Airport Influence Area etc.).
Related Approvals: List all related approvals required under separate permits (e.g., approved development permits, Grading Permits, Right-of-Way Permits, Plumbing Permit for private utilities, Request for Alternate, Agreements, etc.)
Type of Construction: of existing and proposed structures per the California Building Code.
Occupancy Classification(s): existing and proposed, per the California Budding Code.
Number of stories: (existing and proposed).
Building Code year: used For the design of the project.
Floor Area: Gross floor area and floor area ratio (if applicable), total new floor area added, total existing floor area to remain per story.
Landscape area square footage for water conservation purposes:
Total area of disturbance:
Existing impervious area (S.F.):
Proposed impervious area (S.F.):
Storm Water Quality (BMP) Notes